About Ted Holmes 1921-Present Day

Born in 1921, Ted Holmes was educated at Scotch College and the University of Melbourne. Graduating in Commerce he worked as an accountant in industry, chartered accounting, Melbourne Olympic Games Organising Committee 1956-7; as a public relations officer and finance officer, Snowy Mountains Authority, Cooma; 

As a lecturer, University of Melbourne; subsequently with a Parliamentary Committee and with the Victorian Government as a performance management adviser.  

He is a widower with two surviving daughters. In retirement, he is writing poetry and counselling on moral and spiritual issues. his poetry writing post-dates the deaths of daughter Gill in April 1997 and Wife Audrey in June 1997. 

Further publications of poems on the following topics are in course of preparation; Art, Beauty and Nature; A Slice of Life; People; Faith and Spiritual Renewal; Character and Philosophy. 
Keith Hollingsworth
English scholar and teacher
"The poet's faith, as expressed through most of his poems, is soothing to the soul, for, to him, heaven is a reality indeed!"
Robert James
Senior Public Servant and Wordsmith
"Your reflections on the human condition and the divine are profoundly thought provoking. But throughout...a thread of humour and reminder not to take ourselves too seriously!"
Christopher James 
English and Poetry Teacher
"Ted's has so many incredible experiences over nearly a century of time which he has shared generously through his poetry!"
Rosemary Beavis 
"A moving account of a journey through grief and loss towards the certainty that death is not the end but the beginning of a new life!"
About "Knowing God" Poetry Explained
Ted shares his 5 secrets to mastering the art behind spiritual poetry. With nearly over a century of prolific writing skills.  
Ted shares his art soulfully that it has inspired so many others to pour their heart out as well.
Ted's poems draw connections: between the individual and a wider spiritual dimension; between everyday events and a different reality; between the natural and the spiritual worlds. For him, all life's experiences- from the most profound to the seemingly unimportant- resonate with the presence of God. His confident exploration of a myriad of theological ideas and faith questions offers the reader insights and understanding and a joyous response to living...echoes of Donne and Hopkins in experience, language and form.  
(Ruth Baker, educator and senior English Teacher)

Poetry Books by Ted Holmes

Creation, Being, Doing

Volume 1: Submission, Poems and Prose by Ted Holmes
A life changing read; Just as the writing of the poetry changed- and continues to change-me. It changes one's understanding of one's own life and of the lives of others through the insights into the worlds of nature and human nature and the part one can play win ushering in a new age of the spirit in human affairs. Poems in this volume reflect some of the lessons learned. 

Knowing God

Odyssey of a life lived under grace
Those who are new to Ted's poems will be warmed and challenged by his keen mind, his eye for beauty and his sensitive spirit. His poetry opens windows into the mind and soul, enabling us to see the world around us and the unseen realm of the spirit as vistas of majesty and hop. Both the wonder of nature and the marred miracle of human existence are revealed as arenas of divine activity...of the life lived under grace.

Millennia Shift

Poems for the people
"In Language lyrical and haunting, yet sometimes bluntly colloquial, Ted's poetry illuminates the 'ordinary and everyday': people and places, events and experiences. With finely observed detail and freshness of eye he penetrates the surface to allow beauty, poignancy and spirituality to emerge." 
(Ruth Baker, educator and senior English teacher)

Being Drawn Godwards

By Ted Holmes
"Through the masterful weaving together of images, emotions and spirit, Ted has helped me connect to my heart...therefore I can confidently say that the treasures which fill the following pages offer not just a transformative experience but will remain as gold in your heart always." 
(Christopher James, Author and Secondary English Teacher)

Grief- and Joy- Abounding

Pages in Progression- Volume 1: Grief- And Joy
"The proximity of God and afterlife are felt throughout all of the poet's devotional verses. His poetic utterances are startling in their reality of revelation. There is a warmth of family life experience that shines through the shadow of death revealing a whole new spirituality that lies so close at hand for any mega-blows. The poet's faith, as expressed through most of his poems, is soothing to soul, for, to him, heaven is a reality indeed." 
(Keith Hollingsworth, English scholar and teacher)

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"Absolutely Stunning.."
Clarissa Harper
"Poetry is my life"
Randy Thompson
"Doesn't Get Any Better :)"
John Hunter
Letter From The Author
I began writing poetry six weeks after my wife died and four months after the death of our third daughter in April 1997. With my faith strong but emotionally shattered, I searched in vain for poetry which might support me in my grief. I consulted a friend- a specialist in poetry- who suggested I should write my own. 

On 3rd August 1997 I was listening to a tape ministry which concluded with words from 
Jeremiah 33.3 
"Call on me and I will answer you; I will show you great and mighty things you do not know." 

Two days later I started writing poetry. When I lifted my head after 14 days I realised poetry was the gift I sensed would be given following the devastating happenings in our family. 

Shortly after, I visited the bereaved family in Sydney taking with me serval possible titles for poems jotted down in a notebook. With time on my hands I wrote those and a number of other poems. Realising I could write poems on any topic at will, I decided to give poetry writing absolute priority. 

This I did for nearly six years writing some 1500 poems of which nearly 500 were published in the five volumes between 1999 and 2005. 

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